четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

award best debut female filmfare

Haiz...hello to all those who bothered to visit my blog. Yes, yes I know I am slow. Blogging started a few years ago and is not till now that I have recently started. Well I have been surfing other peopleapos;s blogs and was thinking of starting of one. But well I hate the organising part especially where you have to manage your categories and so on. So hence I decided to create this blog where you only create posts. Ha thats solves my problem of managing of blog.

Well right now I am seriously confused and bewildered and the same time. Confused because I do not know whether to take geography elective or History elective. To be honest, I am interested in both but history till now appeals to most people and hence yes i have to agree i like history more than geography.But well although history is easier to score now than geography, i have no idea about how upper sec humanities is all about. I have asked many seniors for their advices and here is my conclusion.

Geography=�Topics is�dry but well relatively easier to score. Most geography students also do better than history students

History= Interesting. Reflexes have to be quick in examination and if you take this, you may have an advantage over geography students as social studies which is compulsory for all students has the same format as history and hence because of this, you may actually be better at infering, argueing .

Second thing. Bewildered. Many top notch students( well i wouldnt name names here) have played it safe to go to e2 and e3 instead of going to e1. And this students arenapos;t bad at science. They were afraid it would be too stressful as it would be an additional workload as compared to other students. Well I beg to differ, Although yes I agree it might be more stressful, hey but look which student doesnapos;t experiences stress? Even if you go to e2 or e3, trust me you still canapos;t escape stress. Even e4 or e5 I bet teachers give them pressure all as well. Now many people who wanted to go to e2 or e3 complained about these top notch people stealing their places. Haha if really no places for them, will they get pushed to e4 or e5? And then what happens to those who actually go to e4 or e5? Will they be pushed to e1? That would be disastrous. Just hope this wouldnapos;t happen.

Overall no offence to those who read this post especially about the second part and I am not trying to boast or whatsoever. Its just my take on the subject. Hope this helps you in making your choice more wisely

Good Luck,
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