понедельник, 13 октября 2008 г.

caractere de feu industriel

Iapos;ve been getting this strange feeling for awhile now, Itapos;s very hard to explain actually.
One night i was sitting in my bed, and thinking apos; this is itapos; it just randomly came to mind, and it might sound stupid but it felt like that would be the last night i had to live.
I know, it sounds stupid but itapos;s been happening to me lately.
An even stranger feeling, is that earlier tonight i was in the car with my dad, about 1:something in the morning and we went over some train tracks but i had the weridest feeling a train would come just at that moment and that moment was my last.
I donapos;t know, itapos;s strange itapos;s stupid, but iapos;m serious these feelings just come to me, and it actually feels like my last moments..

Maybe iapos;ve been watching too much anime >P
caractere de feu industriel, caractere de effacement, caractere creativite de la la, caractere chinois, caractere chariot commande de.

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